
We're not talking about the fluffy sweet here, sorry, but rather the plant called marshmallow and its powerful skin-soothing properties. The two are historically linked, though! From herbalists' shelves… The marshmallow plant, or marsh mallow, has heart-shaped, velvety leaves and pinkish flowers. It is native to Europe...


Your vegan pals may have told you this goes great in porridge - but did you know agave syrup can also serve your skin? What is agave? Agave is a succulent plant native to the Americas and Mexico. It’s characterised by rosettes of pale green fleshy leaves...


Let yourself be bewitched by this potent herb… What is sage? Sage is a perennial herb belonging to the mint family (Lamiaceae). It grows oval, downy leaves with different colours depending on the variety. The common sage is green and covered with white fuzz. Its flowers...


Glossy little linseeds do way more than add some crunch to your salad. Behold, ultimate hydration and softness! What is linseed? Also known as flax (not Holly Flax), the linseed plant is cultivated in most temperate areas of the world for its fibres and seeds. The tall-stemmed...


Milky, soft, soothing… Even when they’re exfoliating the skin, oats are incredibly gentle. What is oat? Oats are among the many members of the grass family, which together provide a staple diet for most of the world’s population. Wild oat seeds dating back to 2000BC have been...


An amazing not-so-secret ingredient for your skin and hair. We heart argan! What is argan? Argan oil is produced from the kernels of the argan tree. What are the benefits of argan? - The oil contains linoleic acid, a fatty acid with anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the skin -...


Let castor oil put a nice soothing spell on your skin and scalp! What is castor? The evergreen castor bean shrub (Ricinus communis) is considered native to eastern Africa. Castor oil is produced by cold-pressing the seeds and goes through a clarification process by heating before use....


Aloe is thought to be one of the oldest folk remedies, well known for its healing qualities. What is aloe? Aloe is the genus of several succulent plant species that grow well in dry soils and tropical climates. At Lush, we use three different types: Aloe...


The best thing you could bring to a desert island? A coconut tree. Coconuts, coconuts everywhere! The coconut palm (Cocos nucifera) is thought to be native to the warm climates of Polynesia, Malaysia and southern Asia. The trees bloom and bear fruit throughout the year, growing a...


When the cold winter days start to seem endless, the elegant violet emerges from the ground with a sweet fragrance full of hope. What is violet? Violets grow all over the world, but only the Viola odorata, or sweet violet, gives off an unforgettable sweet, powdery scent....
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